Child with Autism Attend Mainstream Kindergarten!

Please, if you or your pediatrician are concerned about autism get an evaluation so you and your child can get support! 

According to the CDC, the average age of diagnosis is 4-5 years, but a reliable autism diagnosis can be made as early as 18-24 months. While early detection is critical, research shows that many parents have very little knowledge about autism and its symptoms. The current age of diagnosis among low income families, as well as African Americans and Hispanics, is higher than the general public. With appropriate early intervention services from ages 3-5, between 20 percent and 50 percent of children diagnosed with autism will be able to attend mainstream kindergarten.

If you would like more information regarding available supports, email Zoe Migel at or call 505-471-4505.

Here is to Bright Futures for all children!

#Autism #BrightFutures